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AOMEI Backupper Technician Plus 4.0 + keygen

About this release
Release date: December 15, 2016
OS: 32-bit/64-bit versions of Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP - Server 2003/2008/2012
Language: english
Usage: see included readme file

Features of AOMEI Backupper Technician Plus

As the highest edition, AOMEI Backupper Technician contains all the features and utilities of others.


Partition Backup: Backup specialized partitions that store your important information in case of disk failure.
Files Backup: Specify which files or folders to backup, supporting to customize folders backup with filters, and support to simultaneously choose multiple files on the network drive as the backup source.
File Sync: Synchronize files and folders automatically with a schedule or in real-time to keep data up-to-date.
Incremental & Differential Backups: Only back up data that changes made to save time and disk space.
Command Line Backup: Create backups from command prompt or batch scripts for unattended and multi-processing tasks.
Backup Disk Space Management: Automatically delete the old backup images based on specified value.
Hot Backup: A technology enables to take a backup without interrupting or shutting down Windows and other running applications.
Event-Triggered Scheduling Backups: automatically perform backup tasks in real-time based on user logon, user logoff, system startup and system shutdown.


Partition Restore: Partition recovery helps you rebuild partitions crashed due to wrong operations, etc.
File Restore: Restore backed-up versions of files & folders which are lost, damaged, or changed accidentally.
Command Line Restore: Perform system restore, disk restore, universal restore and more from command prompt.
Selective File Restore: Just recover individual files that you need without restoring the entire image.
Automatic Partition Alignment Restore: Optimize the performance of storage, especially for SSD after restoration.
Bootable Recovery Environment: Recover servers whose system crash or damaged based on Windows PE.


Command Line Clone: Perform system clone, disk clone, partition clone from command prompt.
Clone with Resizing: Adjust the size of partitions to fit the new destination location while cloning.
Automatic Partition Alignment Clone: Optimize the performance of storage, especially for SSD after clone.
Sector by Sector Clone: Clone all sectors (both used sectors and unused sectors) to destination disk.
Hot Clone: A technology enables to clone system/disk without interrupting or shutting down Windows and other running applications.

Image Deployment

Image Deployment: Deploy OS Image to Multiple Computers over Network

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About The Author

Hi! I am Ajay Kumar Kalva, Currently serving as the CEO of this site, a tech geek by passion, and a chemical process engineer by profession, i'm interested in writing articles regarding technology, hacking and pharma technology.
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